Rank the Predator movies.

There are many options when it comes to choosing the best movie about the Predator franchise. There have been many successes and failures in the Predator film franchise's history, but there are a few films that stand out and are well-worth your time. The 1987 release of Predator is considered a classic in the action genre and continues to enjoy a lot of popularity. Predator 2 (released in 1990) is another amazing installment in the series. It has some great visual effects. Alien vs. Predator, released in 2004, is an intriguing cross-over between two of Hollywood's most successful series. It is highly recommended. Predators is the movie that you should see if you want to see the best Predator movie. It was released in 2010. This movie offers some truly remarkable action moments. No matter which movie you choose to (Decker Shado Predator) see, you are sure to have a great time.

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